Memacu Peralihan Adil Ekonomi

Pengarah Strategi dan Jaringan ASLI, Eizaz Azhar telah dijemput FELDA di Simposium FELDA 2024 sebagai panelis bagi sesi panel ‘Peralihan Adil Ekonomi Bumiputera’.

Eizaz berkongsi kepentingan untuk mengekalkan bakat di dalam industri dan untuk meneroka pasaran-pasaran baru melalui teknologi buatan (AI). Eizaz juga berkongsi bahawa kegalauan geopolitik akan mempengaruhi kuasa pasaran, dan pihak berkepentingan perlu menangani isu ini dengan cermat. Selain itu, Eizaz berkongsi bahawa antara krisis yang perlu ditangani dengan segera adalah krisis iklim, yang akan menjejaskan tanah dan pembangunan yang ingin dibina pada masa hadapan.

Sesi panel ini juga menampilkan Hudhaifa Ahmad, CEO MYISCO Sdn Bhd, Nadira Yusoff, CEO Kiddocare dan Jamalee Bashah, CEO Kumpulan Patriots Holding.

Terima kasih FELDA di atas jemputan, ASLI akan terus membantu di dalam penyampaian idea demi pemerkasaan ekonomi negara.


Advancing Economic Transition

ASLI's Director of Strategy and Partnerships, Eizaz Azhar, was invited as a panellist at the FELDA Symposium 2024 for the panel session on 'Fair Transition in the Bumiputera Economy'.

Eizaz shared the importance of retaining talent within the industry and exploring new markets through artificial intelligence (AI). He also highlighted how geopolitical uncertainties and complexities will impact the market, which would need the stakeholders to address these issues thoughtfully. In addition, Eizaz mentioned that among the crises that need to be addressed immediately is the climate crisis, which will affect the land and the development that wants to be built in the future.

Other panellists include Hudhaifa Ahmad from MYISCO Sdn Bhd, Nadira Yusoff, CEO Kiddocare and Jamalee Bashah Group CEO, Patriots Holding.

Thank you FELDA for the invitation. ASLI remains committed to contributing ideas towards the empowerment of the nation's economy.

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